A 29-year-old man has been arrested in Nagoya City for indecently assaulting a 13-year-old girl by giving her cash. The man made the girl sign a document called a “slave contract”.
The suspect is suspected of giving the girl 50,000 yen in cash at a hotel in Nagoya City in February, committing an indecent act, and filming the act.
According to the Metropolitan Police Department, Daimaru had the girl sign a document called a slave contract before committing the indecent acts.
The document contained dozens of items such as “to serve and devote myself as an exclusive slave.
When questioned, Daimaru admitted to the charges, saying, “I asked her to write a contract to become my slave.
Comments from the Japanese
・That’s how you play it.
・What kind of erotic game is that?
・What was this idiot influenced by, porn or erotica? Porn? Anime?
・A slave who’s owner pays him to be a slave.
・Didn’t you ever learn that contracts that violate public order and morals are void?
・I’m sure you’ll be able to prove it in writing, you idiot.
・Is this sensual novel sold as an e-book?
・I don’t think so.Death penalty.
Comments from the administrator
In Japan, indecent acts with minors and those under the age of 13 are almost unconditional crimes.
There are many criminals who want to have sexual intercourse with minors even if they have to pay for it, and many underage girls who sell their bodies for money in Japan.
For example, when Japanese police officers commit sex crimes against minors, it is not reported on the news.
For example, if a Japanese police officer commits a sex crime against a minor, it is not reported. The Japanese police are lenient with the police.
It’s crazy!!!!!
I can’t allow that to happen.